Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 5 - Interviews

Today we had interviews.  I started the morning with a quick jog and a light arm workout to get my blood pumping and my brain working.  Then I grabbed a bite to eat, showered and headed to the "magic room" - where my makeup artist Kelly W and my hairstylist Leslie L worked their magic.  I, of course, didn't take any pictures... but I know my ladies did. I will post them once I get them.

I rocked my interviews and really connected with several of the judges.  National interviews are a walk in the park compared to our state interviews. Thanks Di for preparing me so well! 

After interviews I had the whole day to do whatever I pleased.  So I hung out with Kelly and Leslie as they worked on other girls, headed to the gym for a short workout, uploaded pics and updated Facebook.  Then my good friend Julie arrived from Indiana and we got to catch up with one another. 

Later that night, we had rehearsals.  It was great to see all the girls in their comfy workout clothes.  We all let our hair down tonight!

Mrs America Dinner

Tonight we had an amazing dinner with all of the contestants, the Mrs. America Organization, Mrs America 2009 Andrea Robertson, the GM of Loew's Ventana Brian Johnson and a few other dignitaries.  At the dinner, each contestant had the chance to present Brian with their state gift. I gave Brian an amazing gift basket filled with a variety of chocolates made from Arizona's own Cerreta's Candy Co.  Yumm!!!

I shared the table my my good buddies - Conneticut, Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico, Alaska and Maine.  It seems most of us have really connected with those who states are next to our's alphabetically.  We are lined up alphabetically for almost everything - so you really get to know the gal in front and behind you.  But for some reason, CT, ME, MT, WY, NM, and AL have all connected despite our states being all over the "road".  Love you gals!!!

Day 4 - Rehearsals and more Rehearsals

Our 4th day at Mrs. America was filled with lots and lots of rehearsals.  We still have to learn our swimsuit production number, all of the opening number, our modeling patterns and the crowning formations.  Lots of work ahead of us.  We're having a great time though!  I'm amazed that I'm eating dessert after every meal and I've still lost weight. I guess that's what dancing all day and adrenaline will do to your metabolism - I love it!

Day 3 - Rehearsals, Fashion Show

Day 2 was filled with rehearsals all day.  We learned the opening number and worked on walks again.  We still aren't quite sure what the walks are going to be used for, but I'm sure we'll find out.  I've been deemed the "dancer" in my group of contestants 1-10.  Mrs. Conneticut and Mrs. Colorado are always pushing me to the front.  They are so funny - they have the moves down, but they keep telling me they need to see me to make sure they aren't messing up. 

Later that afternoon we had a rehearsal for the Mrs America Donors Choose Fashion Show.  I was fortunate enought to be deemed the "media face" for this event, so I was especially looking forward to it. I had been selected to model my state costume - which had never been seen before!  Suzanne Novak of Suzanne's Bridal Boutique in Gilbert custom made my state costume which was designed to replicate the Arizona state flag.  For the first time in 18 years, Mrs Arizona was going to wear a new state costume!!!  Prior to the fashion show, we had a cocktail hour with the attendees which was so much fun. I had the chance to see my director for the first time since arriving and to visit with other friends - Diane Tucker, Vic & Lorraine DeNigris, Elisa Rister, Kathy Lauer, Hilary Greener, Vanessa Menendez, Chris Frans and many more.  Ironically, I ran into 2 gals that were at my appreance the previous week in Tucson too! 

Day 2 - Swimsuit Shoot, Rehearsals, Shopping & Dinner

This morning we had our official swimsuit photo shoot at 6:15 am.  It was quite a sight to see - 51 women in swimsuit, heels, and large rhinestone earrings!  After our photo shoot, we were released to enjoy breakfast and then head to our first rehearsal with Frit and Frat Fuller, our choreographers.  We learned a few sequencees of dance steps and walks and then were videotaped to see what we as a group could manage.  Then we broke for lunch. After lunch we had a little bit of time to relax before he headed off to La Encantada for our Red Carpet Welcome at St. John's and an afternoon of shopping. 
After shopping, we enjoyed dinner at El Charro.  Boy did they roll out the red carpet treatment for us.  They had some great healthy dishes made just for us, including the Skinny Gal Margarita!  Yum!!! 

Arriving to Mrs America!

I started the morning with a nice run around the neighborhood, made breakfast and then sent the boys off on their way.  At 10:30 my makeup artist arrived and she made feel look and feel fabulous for my big day.  I love having a makeup artist!!!!  As I headed out of town, I stopped by mom's house to visit a friend who was doing a photo shoot with her newborn daughter and to say a quick good bye to my mom. 

I arrived to Loews around 3pm with a car filled with 3 garment bags, 1 suitcase, 1 train case full of makeup0, 2 cases of bottled water, 1 rolling rack, 1 full length mirror, and a bag of groceries.  Me being "superwoman" thought I could pile it on my rolling rack and check-in on my own.  Well, that quickly was proven wrong when I had to navigate the slanted parking lot. I must have been a sight to see! 

Upon arrival, I was instructed that I was one of the last 8 to arrive and that our official photographer Don Seidman needed to shoot us at the "rock".  So I hung around  for a bit and then decided I wanted to get my luggage to the room and at least hang my dresses.  I ran back downstairs and learned we were still waiting for girls,  So then, I had a few moments to check in with Elaine Marmel to get my opening number dress, our shoes, swimsuit, and sarong.  Once the final 8 arrived and we were shuttled off via golf cart to the "rock".  Some of us were so fortunate to be dubbed "rock climbers" - so we kicked off our heels and climbed on top of the entrance rock in our nice dresses.  We then were dismissed to prepare for the orientation dinner.  

At the Orientation Dinner, we each received these adorable western gal jewelry hangers.  The perfect gift for pageant gals - we have tons of jewelry!!!  At the dinner, I had the chance to get to know Mrs. Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah (my roommie), Maine and Hawaii.  We discovered what a small work pageants really are.  Mrs New Mexico's sister Nicole competed with me in Miss Arizona USA 2002.  Mrs Hawaii's friend from Miss USA Erin competed with me in America's National Teenager 1996.  And Mrs Wyoming used to live in Scottsdale.  After a fun-filled evening I returned to my room to unpack more, get organized and get a good night's sleep, because we had a photoshoot scheduled the next morning at 6:15 am!